Aphylla williamsoni

(Two-striped Forceptail)

Aphylla williamsoni is often encountered in the southern portions of Alabama and Mississippi. This large dragonfly readily colonizes manmade habitats such as fishing lakes and subdivision ponds, and as a result appears to be expanding its range to the north in both states.


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Aphylla williamsoni, male

ALABAMA, Clay County

Aphylla williamsoni, male

ALABAMA, Clay County

Aphylla williamsoni, male

ALABAMA, Clay County

Aphylla williamsoni, female

ALABAMA, Clay County

Aphylla williamsoni, female

ALABAMA, Clay County

Aphylla williamsoni, nymph

ALABAMA, Washington County

Aphylla williamsoni, mating pair

ALABAMA, Washington County

Aphylla williamsoni, nymph

ALABAMA, Washington County