Gomphurus dilatatus

(Blackwater Clubtail)

Gomphurus dilatatus ranges widely across the southern third of Alabama, and is occasionally found just above the Fall Line Hills in the middle of the state; the species also occurs in two counties in extreme eastern Mississippi. Its distribution narrowly overlaps that of the very similar G. lineatifrons, and the two species can be found together in a few streams along the Fall Line. Contrary to the common name, it is most commonly found in our area along medium to large, often silty, streams and rivers.


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Gomphurus dilatatus, male

ALABAMA, Jefferson County

Gomphurus dilatatus, female

ALABAMA, Perry County

Gomphurus dilatatus, female

ALABAMA, Bibb County

Gomphurus dilatatus, female

ALABAMA, Bibb County

Gomphurus dilatatus, nymph

GEORGIA, Early County